Otro ataque antisemita en Francia y más datos sobre el bárbaro asesinato de Ilan Halimi
A través del blog Noticias de Eurabia nos siguen llegando noticias sobre la espeluznante muerte de un joven francés de origen judío, a manos de unos pandilleros musulmanes.
Por favor, lean. Esta es la Alianza de las Civilizaciones hacia la que nos lleva Rodríguez Aliancero y su fiel escudero Moratintos.
Para que nos vayamos enterando de lo que se nos viene...Por si no hubiéramos tenido suficiente con el asesinato de Ilan Halimi, otro ataque antisemita ha tenido lugar.
Anne Barth, a French social worker in Schiltigheim (suburb of Strasbourg), was victim of an anti-Semitic attack on Friday morning. At 10AM, two men entered the medical center where she works and asked her if she was called Anne Barth. She was then hit and had her head slammed against a table. The attackers then wrote the word "Mohamed" on her stomach and scrawled "dirty Jew" on the wall before they fled. The victim is not, in fact, Jewish. Police indicate that the attackers were "d'origine maghrébine" (just an other way for the French authorities to say French without actually using the word -- [désolé, bande de pédés, ces animaux sont 100% fwançais pur porc, faudrait l'assumer.]).
HT: No Pasarán.
Así que los judíos franceses están empezando a disfrazarse para no ser reconocidos como tales. Según Le Monde:
Henriette Hamias, 32 ans, française de confession juive, a choisi de faire évoluer son apparence pour apparaître "moins typée". Pour "faire française" et "moins juive", elle porte des lentilles teintées en bleu qui dissimulent ses yeux marron. Elle a coloré quelques-unes de ses mèches en blond et ne porte plus d'étoile de David autour du cou. Faire "profil bas", se rendre invisible pour prévenir d'éventuelles agressions antisémites..
Y termina:
Son ami, Stéphane Bonan, 24 ans, venu discuter dans la rôtisserie, se désole de constater que les clichés sur les juifs continuent d'être utilisés. Il s'interroge sur la "passivité" et l'"indifférence" dans les banlieues : "L'attitude des voisins qui n'ont rien dit me rappelle des épisodes sombres de l'histoire de France." De cette tristesse générale, l'étudiant en droit veut, malgré tout, tirer un motif d'espoir : traumatisée, la communauté juive continue de croire en la justice française. "Il y a eu deux morts à Clichy-sous-Bois et ça a donné des émeutes pendant des semaines. Nous, on manifeste et on attend que la justice fasse son travail."
Con una diferencia: los chicos que murieron antes de los disturbios, murieron porque se pegaron un calambrazo al intentar huir de la policía qu les había pillado in fraganti robando coches, aunque no está claro si les seguía o no dentro del ghetto. A Ilan Hallimi le tuvieron 3 semanas torturándole. Los de la banda incluso llamaron a sus familiares y vecinos para que contribuyeran en la tortura (via Gateway Pundit):
No longer able to deny or play down the racial motive, the investigation is entering a new phase. One of the most troubling aspects of this affair is the probable involvement of relatives and neighbors, beyond the immediate circle of the gang, who were told about the Jewish hostage and dropped in to participate in the torture.
[…] Ilan’s uncle Rafi Halimi told reporters that the gang phoned the family on several occasions and made them listen to the recitation of verses from the Quran, while Ilan’s tortured screams could be heard in the background.
Según las últimas informaciones, al buscar en el “hogar” de los implicados, encontraron escritos salafistas y de apoyo a la “causa palestina” (via Solomonia):
French Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy revealed that house-searches of suspects related to the brutal murder and torture of a yong Jewish man, 23-year-old Ilan Halimi, produced Salafi (radical Islamic) and pro-Palestinian documents. According to Sarkozy, documents of support for the Comité de bienfaisance et de secours aux Palestiniens (CBSP) were uncovered. The organization is accused by Israel and the US of sponsoring Hamas. Though the US ordered in 2003 that its assets be frozen, the CBSP is not featured on European lists of organizations considered to be terrorist. The other documents found in the house-searches were described by Sarkozy as Salafi decrees.The French government considers the murder to be an anti-Semitic crime.Ilan Halimi
asesinado por pandilleros musulmanes por el sólo hecho de ser judío
Ilan fue conducido al secuestro y a la muerte por una explosiva rubia, francesa y novia de uno de los criminales pertenecientes a la banda. Su nombre: Audrey Lorleach, que declara que no sabía para qué querían al judío:
Lorleach, whose computer-generated picture appeared in newspapers, gave herself up to police Thursday after a friend, Murielle Izourad, also 24, recognised her.She is reported to have provided the investigators with “significant” information. “This young girl was very brave in turning herslf in because she was horrified by what happened,” her lawyer Jean Balan said.He claimed she had got involved because she was “in love with one of the gang members” now being held.
She is said to have told police she picked up young men but did not know what then happened to them.
According to the Paris prosector’s office her role was to act as bait for two victims but having failed to do so was sidelined.
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